About us, Mission, Vision and Team

Who we are, what we do

About us

We are building a bridge between the history and modernity.

Imagine two river banks. The past is on the one side and the future on the other. You are here and now. You are the present, you walk in the path from yesterday to tomorrow. The past and the future are joined thanks to You. You want to build what is ahead of You. But do you look back?

The past and the future are the places and moments in our lives that are intermingled while at the same time they mutually benefit from each other. Our history, tradition, culture are the foundations of our identity and our potential of today and tomorrow. The pride of our ancestors and their achievements is part of our identity. For this very reason we reach into the past for wisdom, experience and strength. We look into the future with courage, creativity and trust. We build it together – here and now with combined forces.

Take a look around you. Think what you can do for yourself and for others. How can you change your neighborhood for the better, unleash its potential, develop it and see everyday life in another dimension? Do not listen to those who say “you cannot do it”, “what for?”, “let somebody else do it”. No! It is all in Your hands. Now is the time to act. Today You are bridging yesterday with tomorrow.

Most the Most Foundation is the bridge between the past and the future. We are building a strong foundation reaching into our history and national heritage.

We inspire, integrate, support. Together with local communities we give new life to places that are important for them. Places that are the core of Polish and European history and that are the testimony to our heritage. Places that allow us to feel again the bond of history and tradition.

We restore the continuity between what was, what is and what is yet to come. We take pride in our Polish heritage and we want to show it to the world.

Together we build the bridge between the history and the modernity. We turn the forgotten into the remembered, ruins into beauty, sadness into joy. Let us join forces and do it together. Most the Most we bring the generations together!

Most the Most

Bridging generations!


We build social capital through supporting culture, creators and inter-generational cooperation.


We are the bridge between the past and the future, the inspirer and the integrator of the society for culture and heritage.

Our team

Let’s get to know each other!

Brygida Ślabska

President of The Foundation

Brygida is a manager with 16 years of experience in managing large departments whose tasks were focused mainly around purchasing management, network contracts and agreements as well as process and project management. In order to obtain key goals for the organization she is focused on cooperation, synergy and business process optimization. So far she has mainly worked for Bank Zachodni WBK (currently Santander Bank Polska) and for Lotos Group, as the Purchase Department Director (purchase volume: above 540 million annually). For many years she was the President of BZWBK Nieruchomości and then the company’s Supervisory Board Chairperson. Brygida is the graduate from Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and from postgraduate studies carried out by Kozminski University in Warsaw in the faculty of: business psychology for managers and purchasing management. She is currently completing Executive MBA studies carried out by Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa in Wroclaw. Her hobby is sightseeing countries with exotic cultures, she has visited Mongolia, Burma, India, China, Syria. In her free time she cycles through the paths in the Karkonosze, reads books, watches films.

Róża Zabojszcz

PR and Communication Manager

Róża has over 18 years of professional experience in the field of marketing and communication. She has gained considerable experience working in corporations and in her own company. She has been involved in online and offline channel marketing for years. The accomplishments she is particularly proud of include the development and implementation of a marketing strategy for two brands debuting on the market. It was an opportunity to integrate the marketing concept into the product at the design stage, integrating marketing with product development. These tasks would not succeed without creative thinking and consistency in plan implementation. Róża’s professional interests also include activities in the field of external and internal Public Relations. Her successes in this field include communication management in a period of changes, rebranding plan and managing projects on her own in the field of communication and PR, from the concept to results analysis. Interpersonal skills and assertiveness proved to be important and helpful at that time. She graduated university majoring in philosophy. She likes Polish contemporary poetry, appreciates the complex, spicy taste of tobacco from Honduras and Nicaragua. She devotes her free time to the duties and pleasures of being a mother, daughter, sister and friend.

Martyna Krawczonek-Kosior

PR and Communication Manager

Martyna has over 10 years of experience in the area of communication and public relations. She successfully dealt with all aspects of effective communication – from content creation, maintaining websites and social media, up to professional cooperation with partners and media. At the beginning of her professional path she was in charge of internal communication and promotion of European Funds. In the following years she developed her communication skills in such areas as – innovations, start-ups, space, economy, construction and housing. Her specialty is event organization. She intercontinentally organized NASA InSight mission landing on Mars report in Copernicus Science Center Planetarium. Her passion is travelling, often connected with her tastes in food. She plays squash. She is a dog-loving person and takes care of a 15-year old adopted schnauzer.

Anna Wojtaszek

Project Coordinator

Anna is a graduate of the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Warsaw. She has several years of experience in board offices management. She gained it by working for large organizations such as: PZU S.A., PKO BP S.A. or Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. She supported the management staff reliably and professionally by performing administrative and office tasks, organizing various in-company meetings, as well as meetings with external contractors. She is a reliable, well-organized person who enjoys new challenges. In the Foundation, she participates in the organization and handling of competitions, she gains experience in the field of social projects management, providing financial support for applicants and professional contracts preparation. She spends her free time with her closest family. Good literature is among her interests, she also likes mountains and travelling.

Wojciech Dzięgiel

Project management manager

Wojciech jest skutecznym kierownikiem projektów z doświadczeniem w sektorach prywatnym, publicznym i non-profit. Posiada ponad 15-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu i prowadzeniu innowacyjnych projektów, które mobilizują różnorodne grupy do wprowadzania zmian. Pasjonat budowania społeczności i pozytywnego wpływu na świat. Po ukończeniu studiów prawniczych Wojciech związał się z administracją publiczną na szczeblu centralnym, m.in. zajmując się legalizacją pobytu i kontrolą nabywania nieruchomości przez cudzoziemców. Następnie przez prawie 10 lat pracował w Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych pełniąc obowiązki służbowe w Konsulacie Generalnym RP w Toronto i Ambasadzie RP w Dublinie. Umiejętności prowadzenia projektów rozwijał w Fundacji im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego, gdzie jako dyrektor wykonawczy i członek zarządu odpowiadał m.in. za Warsaw Security Forum – największą w regionie międzynarodową konferencję o bezpieczeństwie i obronności. Pracował również na różnych stanowiskach w Grupie Kapitałowej Agencji Rozwoju Przemysłu S. A. Wojciech jest absolwentem Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Brał udział w wielu kursach i szkoleniach zagranicznych, w tym w prestiżowej Haskiej Akademii Prawa Międzynarodowego. Był słuchaczem Krajowej Szkoły Administracji Publicznej im. Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Lecha Kaczyńskiego. Ukończył studia MBA, a obecnie jest w trakcie studiów „Zrównoważone finanse i ESG” na Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie. W 2018 r. został uhonorowany nagrodą Absolwenta Roku Europejskiej Akademii Dyplomacji. Swoje doświadczenie zawodowe połączył z pasją podróżowania po Polsce i świecie. Interesuje się literaturą współczesną, geopolityką i zagadnieniami wywiadu gospodarczego. W ostatnim czasie dużo czasu poświęca na tematykę zrównoważonego rozwoju. Uwielbia jazdę na rowerze pokonując tematyczne trasy m.in. szlakiem winnic na Morawach.

Filip Czarnecki

Project management manager

A graduate of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. He also studied at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Boulogne-Billancourt near Paris. Working in one of the leading event agencies, he gained experience in the comprehensive implementation of marketing projects, business, cultural and sports events in Poland and abroad, both for the private sector and state-owned companies. In 2014, he graduated from the 11th edition of the Brand Strategy School organized by the Association of Marketing Communication SAR. Since 2013, he has been associated with the MyWay Foundation, which supported young musicians by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary at the beginning of their professional career. Responsible, among others for orchestral and internet projects, including the MyWay@Home portal aimed at operating in two areas – recreating master interpretation courses, workshops and lectures, and streaming classical music concerts. In the Santander Orchestra project, he was the project manager / inspector of the orchestra. From 2020, he worked at the National Institute of Music and Dance, where he dealt with: organizing and rebuilding websites. NIMiT in cooperation with the Communication Department and the substantive employees of the Institute; support in the implementation of current external activities, e.g. in the field of organizing projects and artistic events (2nd International Polish Music Competition, Polish Music on Stage); creating and implementing new operational, IT and logistic solutions

Katarzyna Majcherek

Foundation office coordinator

Katarzyna is an architect and also studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. While working in an architectural office, she gained experience both with administrative tasks, cooperation with clients and development of technical projects, where she demonstrated meticulousness and creativity. She has also worked as a visual artist in an art mosaic studio. At the Foundation, she is responsible for the communication of the Konkurs Nasz Zabytek. She supports the Team in organizing and handling competitions, and performs administrative duties of the office. She combines her engineering education with her passion for Polish monuments. She loves creative work and a variety of tasks. Her greatest passion is painting, she is inspired by the Expressionists. In her spare time, she devotes herself to digital and analog photography, and draws. She loves long mountain hikes, contemporary music concerts with friends and Polish and American fantasy literature.

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