Kolaż zdjęć - zabytkowe elementy architektoniczne (schody, okna, drzwi). Logo konkursu nasz zabytek.
Kolaż zdjęć - zabytkowe elementy architektoniczne (schody, okna, drzwi). Logo konkursu nasz zabytek.

About the competition

“Our monument” is a competition organized by Most the Most Foundation for everybody who wants to positively affect their surroundings. The participants of the competition may submit the monuments worth restoring their former glory. Next they will be able to suggest an idea of how the winning monument may be used by a local community. The winning project will use it for monument restoration and adapting it to the social function selected in the competition.

“Our monument” competition is divided into two parts:

  • I Competition – choosing one monument in a voivodeship
  • II Competition – choosing the idea for its use / new social function of the winning monument

The participation in “our monument” competition is the first step to create and implement your ideas, trigger imagination, feel the influence on your own surroundings. To see that our involvement brings palpable and fabulous effects. Each submitted monument and idea has the chance to win, and the person submitting the application to become a local hero.

The idea of the competition is to strengthen social influence on the nearest surroundings, unleash the potential of local communities to cooperate for the benefit of culture and local monuments protection. Most the Most foundation wants the local residents to get involved in choosing the monuments for restoration and create new use for them. That is not all. It is important for the owner of the winning monument to engage students / graduates of schools and universities (e.g. architecture, restoration, history of art) in the works in order for them to obtain professional experience while implementing the project. The long-term goal that the Foundation wants to achieve is an active use of the restored monuments by local societies. The Foundation is planning to continue cooperation with the owners of the objects at co-organization of events. This can also contribute to increased tourist attraction of the town where the monument is restored. Most the Most Foundation started a pilot in Lower Silesia and Podlaskie voivodeships. After its completion it is planning to announce “Our Monument” competition in other voivodeships.

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